Sunday 28 June 2009

Overview at rear of manor house

Pseudo HDR created from single RAW file.
This is an overview at the rear of the Manor.

Rear view of Manor house

Pseudo HDR created from single RAW file.
This is a view from the rear of the manor house,
I need to say a big thanks to the bird that few into the
shot, as it adds a bit more interest into the final image.

HDR Image - Hughenden Manor overview

Pseudo HDR from single RAW file.
This is a view of the approach up to the manor house.

Church adornment

This is one of the stone head adornments
at the church

HDR B&W image of church side door

Pseduo B&W HDR from single RAW file.
This image shows the side door of the church

HDR image of Church at Hughenden Manor

Psuedo HDR image create from a single RAW file.
Benjamin Disraeli is buried at this church.

Hughenden Manor

On Sunday 7th June I visitied the georgian estate of Hughenden Manor, which was the home of Victorian Prime Minister, Benjamin Disraeli, who lived here from 1848 until his death in 1881.

The following shots were taken in the areas around the manor house, as well as the church at the bottom of the hill (which is where Benjamin Disraeli is buried).

To view the full set of shots taken at this location, please visit my main photography site:
Then click through as follows:
2009 ALBUM